Features of Java


Features of Java

1. Simple & Secure

Java language is easy to understandable, easy to use, easy to learn and its syntax is quite simple. In c/c++ sometimes students might confuse in some concepts and those concepts were removed in java. Java has huge built-in libraries which makes coding easier for programmers because programmers don’t need to re-build these libraries to do something. For example, java has a Math library and by using this library we can perform mathematical operations easily.

Nowadays data security is most important. In c/c++ there is no data security’s and this is why James gosling invented java. Java has some security techniques that enable us to develop a virusfree & temper-free system(program). Java provides many safeguards to ensure reliable code. Java code doesn’t run on Operating System it runs on JVM that’s why any virus can’t harm java code from outside

2. Robust

Java makes an effort to eliminate error-prone codes by emphasizing mainly compile-time error checking and runtime checking. But the main areas which Java improved were Memory Management and mishandled Exceptions by introducing automatic Garbage Collector and Exception Handling. When we create an object in java it takes place in memory to store data and after that, we need to destroy this object to free up memory to store new objects and data. In java, Garbage Collector does this automatically so we don’t need to take care of our memory in java.

Java’s Exception handling technique enables us to solve exceptions at runtime and this makes the java program crash-free. For example, you wrote a code for reading a file in java and when you run this code and if there is no file available in your system which you want to read so here an exception occurs and our program crashes but in java we can easily handle these types of exceptions and makes our java program crash-free.

2. Multi-Threading

Java multithreading feature makes it possible to write a program that can do many tasks simultaneously. The benefit of multithreading is that it utilizes the same memory and other resources to execute multiple threads at the same time, like While typing, grammatical errors are checked along.

In multi-threading you can perform many tasks at the same time for example you are listening to music and also downloading some files so here two tasks are performing at the same time

Advantages of Multi-Threading

1. The main advantage of multithreading is that the maximum utilization of resources is possible.

2. It doesn’t occupy memory for each thread. It shares a common memory area.

3. There is no need to wait for the application to finish one task before beginning another one.

4. There is a decreased cost of maintenance. Also, It is timesaving.

5. It improves the performance of complex applications.


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You can mail us at mohsinrahman318@gmail.com

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