What is Object Oriented Programming?


What is Object Oriented Programming?

Java has many features which make java one of the best Programming Language nowadays. Java overcomes the difficulties and problems in the c/c++ language. Java is increasing in popularity every passing year because of its impressive features and huge libraries. We can create mobile applications, desktop applications, web applications, database management systems, and so on. So let’s take a look at top java features.

1. Object-Oriented (OOPs)

Objects correspond to real-world things. In object-oriented programming, a big program is divided into smaller sets by creating objects. This makes Java code reusable, has design benefits and makes code easier to maintain. For example, a Fruit class may have objects such as Apple, Orange, Mango, etc. We don’t need to rewrite the code for every fruit in Object-Oriented we can just create a Fruit class and functions like fruitColor(), fruitTaste(), etc and when we create an object of Fruit class then a new Instance of Fruit class will be created with new Data (different fruitColor and fruitTaste). We are reusing the Fruit class code rather than rewrite the same code for every Fruit with different values.

Why Object-Oriented Programming?

If you are familiar with c language (functional oriented programming language) so you already know that we use functions to group statements then we can call this function by name to execute all the statements in that function. The benefit of creating functions is that we don’t need to rewrite statements, again and again, we can just put all the statements into a function and then call the function by its name wherever needed.

Now suppose that a car showroom wants to maintain their data but they can’t maintain this data by using a functional-oriented programming language (c language) because here data is too large. The showroom has so many company’s cars and every company has different car models. So it is very difficult to maintain large data by using a functional-oriented programming language that’s why here we need a Programming Language which can easily maintain large data with security. So Object Oriented concept was introduced. And nowadays every Programming Language follows an Object-Oriented concept.

Now suppose that a car showroom wants to maintain their data but they can’t maintain this data by using a functional-oriented programming language (c language) because here data is too large. The showroom has so many company’s cars and every company has different car models. So it is very difficult to maintain large data by using a functional-oriented programming language that’s why here we need a Programming Language which can easily maintain large data with security. So Object Oriented concept was introduced. And nowadays every Programming Language follows an Object-Oriented concept.

Object-Oriented is not a Programming Language. It is a way to classify programming languages based on their features.


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